RTI Application Format and Case Law- Our Legal World

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RTI Application Format and Case Law- Our Legal World


In a democracy, the Government is ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people’. In democracy for the general public to know about the important decisions taken, rationale and consequences of such decisions. To protect the right of individuals of information there are various laws. One of them is Right to Information Act, 2005. The Act is established to protect the right to get information from the individuals.

The apex court played very important role in development of Information Law in India. Click here

How to draft RTI Application

The Right to Information Act, 2005 does not provide any prescribed format for RIT Application. It is entirely up to the applicant and the application language can be written in English, Hindi or any official language of the state in which the department lies. Even the act also makes no provision to demand a reply of the applicant application in the language of his choice. But in several judgments, the Supreme Court and various High Courts have laid down that the information should be given to the applicant in the language he understands.

RTI Application Format



The Public Information Officer,

T-3 IGI, Airport, New Delhi


Subject:          Application for seeking information u/s 6 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 and details of the payment of the prescribed fees-Reg.

I seek the following information under Section 6 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 and details of payment of the prescribed fees are given below:

1.Mode of PaymentPostal Order
2.Details of DD/Banker/cheque/Challan No. and DateP.O. No.                     dated
3.Amount paid (Evidence enclosed)Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only)
4.Name of Address of the Applicant or the address to which information is to be sent-
5.Phone No.M-
6.E-mail Address 
7.Details of information sought (Please annex extra page if space below is inadequate)Please provide the following information/ order(s) copy as under;   Supply the Order-in-Appeal  No. CC(A)Cus/000/000 dated 02.01.2021 passed by the Commissioner (Appeals), NCH IGI Airport, New Delhi    Supply the Order-in-Original (If Any)Supply the Copy of SCN (If Any)Status of case

The requisite fee for obtaining information prescribed under Rule 3 of the Right to Information (Regulation and Cost) Rules, 2005 for providing information and towards cost Rule 4 of the Rule ibid for providing copies of the relevant pages has since been paid vide Postal Order dated                   copy of which is enclosed.


Written by  Ashish Panday, Advocate, Delhi High Court 


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