National Legal Drafting Competition by Our Legal World 2020, [Prize 5000/-] Register by Nov 18th
Our Legal World is one of the leading Legal Community website for an e-learning platform for law students, legal professionals and legal academia etc. with the motto – Law ABOUT LAW.
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The efficacy of any law depends upon the wisdom with which it is drafted that as such it can be a thorn on the path of people or a rose. A perfect drafting of matters in relation to Suits, Applications, Writ petition, and other such matters connected therewith shall obviously lead to good result. Law should aim at ameliorating the position of people rather exposing them to unmitigated hardship. Accordingly, much depends upon how judiciously the law makers draft any law.
The objective of the Competition is to improve and deepen the level analytical and critical thinking by involving the participants in some real practical problems and an opportunity to the students of law to show their acumen in legal drafting.
- The Competition shall be open for the students currently pursuing their Bachelor’s Degree in law i.e. 3-Year LL.B. course or 5-Year LL.B. and LLM course from any recognized university/school in India.
- There is no restriction on the number of entries from any college or university.
- Participants may register individually or in a team of two (2).
- The Remand and Bail Application shall be drafted on the basis of the Problem Statement.
- The Draft shall be drafted in English language only.
- The Draft shall not exceed more than five (5) Legal-sized typewritten pages, excluding the cover page. Five (5) marks shall be deducted as penalty for each page exceeding the page limit.
- The document containing the Draft shall not reveal the identity of the participants, in any manner whatsoever.
- Soliciting assistance from legal professionals with or without consideration is strictly prohibited.
- Formatting: Font style – Times New Roman, font size – 12, line spacing – 1.5, justified alignment, paragraph spacing – 0 pt. before and after, 1 inch margin on all sides.
- The contents of the Remand and Bail Application should not be plagiarized (20% limit) or else it will amount to total deduction of Bail Application marks or disqualification. The decision of the organizers shall be final
- Submissions shall be made in .doc or .docx format only.
- The submission must be submitted through the following link: [Team Code] Click here
- No entry made after 24 hours of the deadline shall be accepted at any cost.
- Clarifications on the Problem Statement shall be sent to with the subject “Clarifications on the Problem Statement: [Team Code]”.
- Criminal Drafting
- Remand Application: 50 Marks
- Bail Application: 50 Marks
- Registration Fee: Rs 100/- for Single Person and for two Rs. 150 (Non-Refundable)
- After paying the amount, attach the photo/screenshot of the receipt in the form.
- Registration Form: click here
- PayTM: 8905045619
- Google Pay: 8905045619
- Getway:
The details provided in the Google Form will be published the same in Certificates.
- Winner will receive Rs. 1800 (Cash), Certificate of Merit (Soft Copy)
- Runner-up will receive Rs. 600 (Cash), Certificate of Merit (Soft Copy)
- All Participants will get Free E-Book (Drafting)
- 5 Best Draft will be published on the Our Legal World website.
Soft Copy of Participation Certificate will be awarded to all participants.
All the Participants will be getting 40% off, on CV/Resume Drafting and Free E-Drafting Book/Notes.
- Last Date of Registration: 18th November, 2020
- Last Date of Submission : 22nd November, 2020
- Date of Results : 28th November, 2020 [2nd December]
- All queries and clarifications can be sent on to
- Mr. Sachin Kumar and Ms. Kirti Sharma: 8905045619 (WhatsApp)
- For full details of the National Legal Drafting Competition (brochure), click here.
- Poster click here
- Rank 1: Vandana Nirbhay click here