Job Post: Civil Judge (176 posts)- Tamil Nadu State Judicial Service 2019

Civil Judge


Applications are invited from eligible candidates only through online mode upto 09.10.2019 for direct recruitment to the post of Civil Judge in the Tamil Nadu State Judicial Service in the prescribed format as per the provisions under the Tamil Nadu State Judicial Service (Cadre and Recruitment Rules),2007 as amended. [hereinafter referred to as „the Rules‟].


The total number of vacancies are 176, by taking into account the guidelines given by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Malik Mazhar Sultan vs. U.P. Public Service Commission [2008(17) SCC 703], for the cadre of Civil Judges, in the judicial service.


Pay Scale of the post of civil judge in judicial service is Rs. 27,700 – 770 – 33,090 – 920 – 40,450 – 1080 – 44,770 + Allowances.


  • Date of notification 09.09.2019
  • Last date for submission of application 09.10.2019
  • The Last date for payment of fee through Bank 11.10.2019
  • Date of Preliminary Examination 24 .11.2019


(A) AGE LIMIT (as on 01.07.2019)

  1. For the Practising Advocates/ Pleaders and Assistant Public Prosecutors Minimum Age (should have completed) 25 Years and maximum Age (should not have completed) 40 years.
  2. For the Fresh Law Graduates Minimum Age (should have completed) 22 years and Maximum Age (should not have completed) 27 years.


  1. For Practising Advocates/ Pleaders and Assistant Public Prosecutors:

(i) Must have possess a Law degree of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or a State Act or an Institution recognised by the UGC, or recognized by Bar Council of India or any other equivalent qualification and enrolled in the Bar Council of Tamil Nadu or in the Bar Council of any other State in India and

(ii)(a) The candidate must be practising as an Advocate or Pleader in any Court on the date of Notification for recruitment to the post and must have so practiced for a period of not less than 3 years on such date. (or) (b) The candidate must be an Assistant Public Prosecutor having not less than 3 years of experience as an Advocate and / or Assistant Public Prosecutor.

  1. For Fresh Law Graduates:

(i) Candidates must be a fresh Law Graduate possessing a degree in Law from a recognized University as mentioned in Clause-I (i) above,

(ii) Compulsory eligible to be enrolled as an advocate.

(iii) The candidates must have secured an overall percentage of marks in acquiring the Bachelor’s Degree of Law as below: –

  1. 45% Marks in case of Reserved Categories (i.e. SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs(OBCMs) and BCMs).
  2. For this post 50% Marks in case of Open Category (i.e. Others).

(iv) Must have obtained the Bachelor’s Degree of Law within a period of three years prior to the date of notification.


  2. a) Must be a citizen of India;
  3. b) The candidate should possess adequate knowledge to read, write and speak in English and Tamil.
  5. a) The character of a candidate must be such as to make him suitable in all respects for appointment to the Service. He must produce a certificate of character a n d c on du c t gi v e n a f t e r th e d a t e o f n o ti fi c a ti o n from three responsible persons not related to the applicant in the format prescribed in Annexure-A. Out of the three persons certifying, one must be a Senior Advocate or Advocate and the other two shall be responsible persons, not being relatives of the applicants but who are well acquainted with the applicant in his/her personal life. Note: The persons certifying need not be Gazetted Officers or Government Servants or Judicial Officers.
  6. b) No person shall be appointed as a member of the Service unless he is in good mental and physical health and free from any disability, except a person who is claiming reservation under Rule 10 of the Rules. Before a p p o i n t m e n t, candidate’s w i t h d i s a b i l i t y shall be required to appear before a Medical Board constituted for assessment which will examine them and certify that they are fit for appointment to the service and their disability will not affect the effective performance of duty as a member of the service.

iii. Must satisfy other conditions prescribed for appointment to the post of Civil Judge.


  1. The application should apply through online mode only in the Commission’s Websites / /
  2. One Time Registration (OTR) and “Applicant’s Dashboard” are mandatory before applying for any post. The Applicant should register only once in the One Time Registration by paying Rs.150/- as registration fee. After Successfully registered One Time Registration is valid for 5 years from the date of Registration. All the applications should be submitted using the One Time Registration ID and password registered by the applicant.
  3. The applicants should have a scanned image of their photograph, certificates specified, if any, and signature in CD/DVD/Pen Drive to upload the same, according to the specifications given in the guidelines for scanning and uploading of photograph and signature.
  4. Who have already registered in One Time Registration on or before 29.09.2015 shall use their existing user ID and Password to create applicants Dashboard in the new One Time Registration system. No application is permitted to more than one registration ID in One Time Registration. judicial service
  5. The Applicants should enter the Unique ID and password to view the already available information and update them.
  6. One Time Registration will not be considered as an application for any post. It is just collection of information from the applicants and giving a separate dashboard to each applicant to facilitate them to maintain their own profile. Applicants who wish to apply for this recruitment shall click “Apply” against the recruitment notified in the Commission’s Website using the same USER ID and PASSWORD given for ONE TIME REGISTRATION.
  7. An Online application uploaded without the photograph and signature will be rejected.
  8. All the particulars mentioned in the online application will be considered as final and no modifications will be allowed after the submission of the application. Once an application is submitted, no further request for change of details will be entertained. Hence, the applicants are instructed to fill the online application with utmost care.
  9. Print Option:
  10. a) After submitting the application, applicants can save their application in PDF format/take print out of the application.
  11. b) On entering User ID and password, applicants can download their application and may take print out, if required.
  12. c) Applicants need not send the printout of the online application or any other supporting documents to the Commission. The application and all the required certificates will be verified only at the stage of certificate verification.



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