FSSAI Bans Imposed on Food Operators in India


FSSAI Bans Imposed on Food Operators in India

India has one of the world’s largest consumer marketplaces. But, we are also very belligerent customers. So, we are glad to correct any errors. In other words, the Indian consumer is difficult to please and much more difficult to satisfy.

It is common knowledge that Indians like to consume food goods over anything else. But, because food items are consumed, they must be of a specific quality and fulfil certain health criteria. Therefore, they must be examined at government labs before they can be sold. FSSAI is the government agency in charge of regulating the sale of edible commodities (FSSAI). Any person who wishes to start a food business must obtain an FSSAI license first.


In light of several incidents of food adulteration and severe health repercussions, FSSAI has recently imposed a few restrictions on FBOs in the food processing industry.

These FSSAI bans have been imposed to provide the best possible guidelines for the whole food business. They are based on a reasonable concern for general population health and cleanliness.

With the rapid innovation in the food sector, with new products entering the market daily, the FSSAI must constantly update its regulations and standards in the interest of public safety & health. These FSSAI bans are as follows:

Ban on Plastics in Food Packaging

The food safety department has finally implemented landmark legislation outlawing the reuse of plastic and paper packaging of all edible commodities. Such packages are commonly used by substantial food enterprises, careless merchants, and vendors who do not have FSSAI certification. This boycott addressed the health risks and environmental devastation caused by chronic plastic use.

The FSSAI has issued new food packaging standards prohibiting plastic and newspaper wrapping in this context. Stapler Pins Are Not Allowed in Tea Bags.

Due to the harmful health impacts of metallic stapler pins, FSSAI forbade tea makers from using stapler sticks in tea packets a year ago. The stapler pins in tea packets may provide an extraordinary risk to customers’ health since any stray staple pin if swallowed by chance with the tea, may pose a significant choking hazard. Furthermore, the metallic stapler pins are cancer-causing, implying that they might promote malignant growth. Considering the health risk, FSSAI has coordinated all FBOs to halt the assembling, stockpiling, circulation, sale, and import of stapled tea bags on January 1st, 2018.

Carbide Prohibition for Artificial Fruit Ripening

The food safety controller has now wholly prohibited harmful synthetic ingredients in the artificial ripening of organic goods, such as calcium carbide and acetylene gas. Natural product sellers and distributors commonly use these synthetic substances, even those with FSSAI authorisation.

The FSSAI has now outright prohibited these synthetic mixtures. It has, however, enabled the use of ethylene gas as a distinctive alternative to harmful synthetic concoctions for ripening organic food.

Ban on Health Supplements To Be Used As Medications

The limitation on prescriptions for Health Supplements is one of the most recent restrictions implemented by the FSSAI. There have been concerns about the hazards of health supplements in the human body if ingested for an extended period of time. After that, all packaging of health supplements must include the notice – “NOT FOR MEDICINAL USE”.

These are some of the notable FSSAI bans imposed lately. All food firms with an FSSAI registration must be aware of these margins. As you can see, the regulatory body has done its utmost to protect specific food categories to maintain food safety and quality in the country. Yet, they persist due to a need for more awareness.

Ban on E-commerce Sales

Unregistered FBOs (Food Business Operators) can no longer offer their products for sale on e-commerce platforms. In August 2018, FSSAI banned the top e-business food collectors’ professional resources of unregistered food enterprises that do not have FSSAI Registration or FSSAI permission.

Mainly, the general public relies on popular websites to book meals or a table at a restaurant. Currently, if such websites generally offer services through unauthorised establishments, clients would be misled, and money will be well-spent. Booking a dishonest or unsanitary food vendor might also pose a severe health risk.

Ban on Toluene Printing in Food Packages

FSSAI bans toluene printing on edible food products due to the possible risks to public health. Toluene is a chemical compound found in acetones. Toluene is known to soak into food when printing food packets, despite multiple layers between the package and the meal. As a result, it can be harmful to the liver and kidneys. As a result, toluene is now prohibited in India.


Apart from the consumer market, the food industry is one of India’s most popular business forms. The number of restaurants in every nook and cranny is growing daily. As a result, the FSSAI has been much more attentive to industry practises and vigorous in enforcing the code of conduct and laws. As a result, customers and producers must understand these standards for the sector to thrive without posing any health risks.

Written by Alisha Kar

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