CLAT LLM Mock 2022 (Case Laws):-1 OurLegalWorld


CLAT LLM Laws Mock 2022 (Case Laws):-1 OurLegalWorld


A decision that curtails fundamental rights without appropriate justification will be classified
as disproportionate. The concept of proportionality requires a restriction to be tailored in
accordance with the territorial extent of the restriction, and the stage of emergency. the nature of
urgency, duration of such restrictive measure and nature of such restriction. In which case Supreme
Court held so:-



The ceiling limit of 50%. the concept of creamy layer and the compelling reasons namely, backwardness. inadequacy of representation and overall administrative efficiency are all constitutional requirements without which the structure of equality of opportunity in Article 16 wouId collapse. This observation was made in which case


3. Collection of quantifiable data on the inadequacy of representation of SCs and STs in promotional posts in the State is a mandatory pre-condition for grant of reservation in promotion with consequential seniority under Article 16 (4-A}. Supreme Court observed thus in which of the following case


4. Freedoms as recognized by the Constitution are inseparable from existence as human beings. People have entrusted power to State under the Constitution which holds it in trust and as such it is accountable to people in the exercise of power. Supreme Court observed this in which of the


5. In Which case Supreme Court observed that orders passed under Section 144 Cr.PC. have direct consequence upon fundamental rights. A magistrate is duty-bound to balance the rights and restrictions based on the principle of proportionality and thereafter apply less intrusive measures’


6. Supreme Court in which case held that the property is attached and placed under custodia legis under Section 145 CrPC. it does not amount to change in possession of The Magistrate holds the possession of on behalf of party who is ultimately found entitled to


7. which case Supreme Court held that while granting default bail/ statutory bail under Section 167(2a) cannot be imposed


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