juscholars Call for paper

About Juscholars:

Juscholars is a peer reviewed journal acclaimed for original ideas and academic honesty. The Journal is currently soliciting submissions for Volume I, Issue 1 (2020). The Editorial Committee of ‘Juscholars’ hereby invites articles, notes, case comments and book reviews on the law from students, academicians and research scholars.


Contributions should be within the scope of legal studies and allied interdisciplinary studies.


Types of Submissions:
• Long Articles (4000-5000 words): Submissions under this category must present a comprehensive study of a central theme or any contemporary legal issues.
• Short Articles/Notes (1500-4000 words): Submissions under this category must present a comprehensive study of a central theme or any contemporary legal issues.
• Case Comments/Case Analysis (1000-2500 words): Case comments must be a critical analysis of recent judicial pronouncements. It must identify and examine the questions of law present in the case and comment on implications of the judgment for the evolution of that branch of law.

Call for Paper: Burnished Law Journal Vol-1

Submission Procedure:

• Co-authorship is allowed.
• The manuscript must be original and unpublished work and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
• All manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract not exceeding 100-200 words.
• The main body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12 and in 1.5 line spacing. The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10 and in single line spacing.

• All footnotes must be uniform throughout the submission. Endnotes are not to be used.
• All submissions should be accompanied by a covering letter (Separate Document) mentioning the submission category, the title of the manuscript, institutional affiliation and contact details of the author(s).

• Juscholars accepts electronic submissions in MS Word (.doc/.docx) format only.
• Submissions should be sent via email to

• The body of the manuscript should not contain any personal details of the author, so as to enable anonymous screening and peer-review.

Other Important Details:

  1. Last date for submission: 10th January 2020.
  2. Articles submitted after 10th January 2020 will be considered for the next issue.
  3. For any queries or clarifications, reach out to us at:
  4. For more details, visit:

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