Call for Paper NLSIU: Gender, Human Rights and Law Vol. No. 7@ National Law School of India University, Bangalore: 15 July 2019
Call for Paper NLSIU: Gender, Human Rights and Law Vol. No. 7@ National Law School of India University, Bangalore: 15 July 2019
by admin
Updated On: April 11, 2020 1:39 pm

This is to invite academic contributions for the upcoming edition of Gender, Human Rights and Law Vol. No. 7, a publication brought out by the Centre for Women and the Law (CWL) at the National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore.
Contributions in the form of multidisciplinary writings, articles and essays (4,000-8,000 words).
The deadline for accepting submissions is 15th July 2019.
We encourage contributors to adhere to OSCOLA for the citation style.
All queries may be directed to the below-mentioned e-mail address.