Call for Blogs for Tax Laws Club by OurLegalWorld: Rolling Submissions
About TLC, OurLegalWorld
The Tax Laws Club/Centre (TLC) was established in 2022 under OurLegalWorld to work in the area of tax laws. The Club/Centre is established to provide facilities for deep study and research in relation to the various provisions of Taxation Laws. It will also provide an opportunity for law students to understand the important practical problems arising in interpreting various Internationa Tax Treaties and domestic taxation laws (Income Tax Act and GST) or International Tax Laws.
The Centre intends to encourage both applied and academic innovation in the international taxation law domain by instituting opportunities for pertinent presentations and publications. The post-Covid problems invite rethinking of the governance of international taxation, its mechanisms, and its institutions. This interdisciplinary series of online workshops bring together scholars engaging in law, political science, and political philosophy to discuss international tax governance and justice.
The Club/Centre has the following main activities:
- To promote the study of tax by early career researchers, postgraduates and undergraduates. This aim is supported by an annual conference on tax law and policy, which brings together the work of outstanding students, academic researchers and tax practitioners etc.
- Providing timely insight, comment and analysis on international tax law
About the Call for Blogs
Tax Laws Club welcomes well-researched blogs on a rolling basis. Articles, opinions, case comments, and short remarks on matters related to “Domestic and International Tax Laws” are welcome.
The Tax Laws Club Blog, OurLegalWorld invites blogs from Law students, CA, practitioners, researchers, academicians, policymakers and other stakeholders in the legal field.
Submission Guidelines
- Submissions must be made solely in.doc/.docx format.
- The title of the blog is under 90 characters.
- Co-authorship is allowed for up to two authors.
- Citations can be incorporated in the text by adding footnotes [4th OSCOLA or SILC] or by linking to the authoritative internet source.
- The word count is strictly limited to 800-2500 words.
- The maximum amount of plagiarism allowed is 20%.
How to Submit?
All submissions for the Tax Laws Club Blogs must be made via the google form linked at the end of this post. Any submission made via other platforms would be rejected.
There are no registration fees or publication fees.
Contact Information
- In case of any queries, please info[at]
- Official Website: