3rd AIAC-ICC Pre-Moot for the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [March 22-24]: Registrations Open

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3rd AIAC-ICC Pre-Moot for the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [March 22-24]: Registrations Open
the AIAC’s premises at Bangunan Sulaiman, located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The AIAC-ICC Pre-Moot is a training ground for students who intend to participate in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Vienna) or the Willem C. Vis (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Hong Kong), as well as those students who want to get exposure to international commercial arbitration.
Due to the large number of teams participating in the AIAC-ICC Pre-Moot every year, students will benefit from the international environment, intense competition and valuable feedback from arbitrators with diverse experiences.


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During the 2nd AIAC-ICC Pre-Moot, we welcomed 65+ teams, with close to 300 participants, 177 hearings and 160 arbitrators from 21 countries. A large leap from the 36 teams in the 1st Pre-Moot, which effectively made us the second largest Vis Pre-Moot worldwide.
In this 3rd edition, we expect even more teams to compete as well as more
international institutions and law firms from around the world to support our event along with our regular partners. We will be honoured to welcome teams and arbitrators to participate in this competition.
Similar to the previous years, there will be no registration fee to join the AIAC-ICC Pre-Moot and teams and participants will have the opportunity to attain many awards and prizes.
The awards include, but are not limited to: awards for the best team, speakers, memoranda and outlines. Prizes range from paid internships, registration fees for Vis Moot Hong Kong or Vienna to the most recent editions of books on arbitration.
For students residing outside Kuala Lumpur, the Organising Committee will attempt to provide accommodation free of charge or provide financial assistance to cover accommodation costsduring the AIAC-ICC Pre-Moot.
Registration for teams, arbitrators and coaches for the AIAC-ICC Pre-Moot is open and registration forms are available on our website by clicking here.
Should you be interested to register your organisation as a Supporting Organisation, or if you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Organising Committee at pre-moot@aiac.world.


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